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Shots from the live performance: 

Rehearsals of the camp:

Rehearsals oF the performance:

Interactive theater performed by
20 actors, actresses

,musicians -who played live music on stage-, and singers.  The performance was the outcome of a 5 days workshop -10 working hours per day.

The performance was developed after the camp, and it was performed in different cities in Egypt.

 At first, crew members went through an audition for
2 days as a workshop, and they were selected according to their level of motivation, commitment, and flexibility to go for the 5 days camp experience.

Where we were camping was such a beautiful place full of green spaces and trees and was inspiring to create one of a kind theater performance.
On the first and second days, we started to train on improvisation, storytelling, singing, dancing,and fighting.


On the third day, we worked on the modality of showing emotions to one another. We also trained the participant on art therapy related subjects, and we talked about racism and accepting others’ differences. On the fourth and fifth days, we worked on some realistic acting scenes that were originally taken from real situations that the participants have been through. These situations were related to discrimination in terms of skin color, sex, race, religious beliefs, body shape, standard of level, functional hierarchy.


By the end of the fifth day, the performance took place with
big number of attendees.
After the camp, we developed the performance in 8 rehearsals and was professionally done in 4
Egyptian govern rates; Port Said, Cairo, Alexandria, and Damietta.

Participants have gained expected results of being          self-confident through the different theater practices and art therapy. Also, they have gained the skill of group work and adaption with others no matter how different they are.






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